A Toolbox, a Kete

To begin today’s wondering’s of the world, I’d like to talk about the importance of diving in and just beginning.

I really want to be a good writer and a creator. I’d love to paint and draw and take photos all of the time, and to create designs and stories I am proud of. Creations which inspire people, and that are not just pieces which passers-by would dismiss as a 4-year-old’s feat from kindergarten. But currently, I am that kindergarten child and I’ve been stuck in this endless circle of disappointment. The thought of producing work that is average stops me from even trying. It is true that practice really does make perfect, yet currently the practice is lacking.

So it seems the key is just to start and see what happens. The only way you can ever get better at something is just by starting. Attach all of the significance to the moment of doing, rather than what the result may be. That way, even if what you produce or make or create is quite terrible, you’ll be proud for just beginning.

So, please bear with me as I stumble along on this little journey and dream of mine. I think it’s just about simply showing up and trying your best…something that applies for every thing in life. What are you going to show up for in your life today?

Now for the second musings of the day…

I know I am a very lucky person, and I am so grateful for the wonderful little extraordinary ordinary life I’ve been living. From this, I really wish my feelings could always reflect this sunshine. But it seems no matter how much I wish I could always be happy, content and free, this cannot be the case. Because alas, I am a human being, completely full of of feelings, with a mind of many doors which innumerable emotions burst in through, demanding an audience of me.

It’s something we all have to accept; happiness is not a constant, it comes and goes. Being a human and experiencing all we do, reminds me of the weather in spring - turbulent and often unpredictable, but very beautiful and full of new growth. We learn, and bloom after each thunderstorm; dark clouds which are assured to blow away eventually, always revealing the sun.

And there’s a way to survive the storm, practices you can learn to help in building a strong heart, so you know you can get through anything that being human may bring…

As you rise with the sun each day (or maybe a couple hours later, chasing the sun across the sky as you race to start your day, a little late to work or school because your cocoon of covers was a little too tempting to leave this morning), walk out the door with a toolbox in hand.

This toolbox, or kete, is something you can refer to throughout the day when you need it. It is a way to keep a steady head and a strong heart as you stride forwards. This kete is full of lessons, reflections, musings, and wisdom. It is a lifeline; the key to the wise and calm inner you, who will offer a hand when you’ve sailed out to sea unprepared and unknowing of the storm that lies ahead. As you travel through life, you can add different tools and trinkets to your box, to pull out when you need them. The more you practice and use the tools in your kete, the stronger your heart will become. You’ll be able to find your light and happiness in all moments, easier.

The things you pack into your toolbox will be personal to you and your experience, but I can tell you some of the things in mine:

  1. My core values…

    I have a brain-cloud of all the things that are important to me, the values and feelings and dreams of who I want to be, and what I want to live by. This simple list is something I come back to whenever I feel a little lost. It’s simple and reminds me to relax in to who I am. Writing affirmations around your values is another tool.

  2. A reminder of how precious life is…

    A lovely poet called Mary Oliver once wrote a poem with the line “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Remembering that we have this one life, gives me courage to chase after my dreams, bravery to sing what I feel from rooftops, and determination to try my best and be myself. It comes with the perspective that negative emotions take away from the joy of living, providing inspiration to try and find the light always.

  3. A step-by-step list on remembering to breathe and not overthink…

    When you have a thought that does not serve you, just observe it. Know it is only a visitor and rather than engaging with it, choose to breathe it away.

  4. Active activities that bring me joy and keep me present…

    When your mind is a tumbling turbulent washing machine, give it a distraction, ask yourself “what else should I be thinking about?” Get up from wherever you are and leave the overthinking thoughts behind and take up a new activity. I like writing and doodling, running, and stretching, having a boogie or reaching out to someone I love to ask about their day.

If it helps, you can write your wisdom’s down in a little note book. Carry it with you every where so it is there to read when you need it. Or write out your thoughts on a piece of paper, stick it up by your bed, or on a mirror or the door of your room to read in moments where you’re about to start the day. A helpful reminder.

Each time you try and look for the light and the goodness, you plant more flowers in your mind. And when the storm clouds come, as they always do, hold on to the knowledge and truth that the rain is only going to help those flowers grow.


Sam xx


Everything works out like a sunshine delight


On Being Young